IICD Update

Corporate Governance sebagai Keunggulan Kompetitif: IICD di Workshop OECD & KPK
Bapak Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas, mewakili Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD), menyampaikan pentingnya Corporate Governance (CG) sebagai keunggulan kompetitif dalam Workshop dan Diskusi Teknis yang mendukung aksesi Indonesia ke OECD

Dr. James Simanjuntak Moderatori Sesi tentang Komite Dewan dalam OECD-Asia Roundtable on Corporate Governance
Dr. James Simanjuntak, anggota Dewan Pembina Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD), mewakili IICD sebagai moderator dalam OECD-Asia Roundtable on Corporate Governance pada tanggal 12 Desember 2024 di Manila.

Internalizing Integrated Mindset Toward Sustainable Long Term Value Creation (New CGLP).
Indonesia Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) sukses menyelengarakan Acara Public Training New Corporate Governance Leadership Program : Internalizing Integrated Mindset Toward Sustainable Long Term Value Creation (New CGLP).

Hosts Tech for Anti-Corruption Roundtable
Leveraging Technology to Fight Corruption: KAKI and Center for International Private Enterprise Hosts Tech for Anti-Corruption Roundtable

Enhancing Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Indonesia: Private Sector Perspectives
KAKI and Center for International Private Enterprise Lead Roundtable on Beneficial Ownership Transparency: Enhancing Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Indonesia: Private Sector Perspectives

IICD bekerjasama dengan ICDM Gelar Executive Training: Exploring A New Approach to Corporate Governance through the Integration of Sustainability and ESG di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) bekerja sama dengan Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (ICDM) sukses menyelenggarakan Executive Training on Sustainability and ESG pada tanggal 18-19 September 2024 di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia